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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Index. Spring fun.

I've been spending a fair amount of my free time these days at Index, Washington. A crack climbing mecca, Index is known for its hard ratings, clean lines, and perfect granite. This reputation is well deserved. I went with Zach one trip, Lacy and Jonathan another trip, and Jonathan and Rob most recently. We did Godzilla, The Lizard, Corner Flash, and Roger's Corner and Breakfast of Champions. Zach and I also top roped an 11.b route adjacent to Roger's Corner. This should be a good season.

Friday, April 13, 2012

It's been a while!

I feel like I've been neglecting my blogsphere. I haven't been climbing as much because I've been focusing on grad school/ my girlfriend, Lacy. And throw in stress about prospective work and actual work mixed with play and you've got a perfect storm. My Spring Break starts soon (after I finish a project, we've finished classes).
Anyways, I'm brainstorming how I can balance photography with other endeavors. So far, I am doing a pretty good job of that. But I can always improve. Looks like I've done well in all of my classes.
Anyways, I usually use this blog for climbing but it seemed like the perfect place to do a life update post.
Cheers and good day.
Colin James Bartholomew