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Saturday, May 29, 2010

La Sportivas for sale.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Old-school American Climbers.

Today we did Magic Fern, Senior Citizens in Space, Rattletale, and Sagittarius. These pics are all from Sag.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Be careful out there.

Mark and I went to Index today. Someone took a ground fall off of Roger's Corner (apparently they were on the second pitch and 2 pieces pulled).
On the way home a car coming headon at 40 miles an hour or more swerved into our lane, missing us by inches.
The motto- stay safe out there. Stay alert. The climb doesn't end at the top of the pitch- as I learned today. I got to the chains at Sagitarius and grabbed the chains only to discover I was totally pumped worse than I ever have been. I literally couldn't hold onto the chains. So I tried to down climb and told Mark I was going to whip. I then let go and took the ride.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Todd and I ran up Orbit today. It was sweet. I personally liked it better than Outer Space. We also ran a lap on R and D the night before which was fun. I'll definitely be doing Orbit again.

Monday, May 10, 2010

ice tools

Ice tools for sale.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Yosemite- After Seven and Royal Arches

My brother, his wife and I were in California for a wedding and ticked off these two gems. We had terrible weather for after seven (the variation of after six)-
Blizzards and wind were the theme of the day.
A couple days later royal arches was incredible. Perfect weather, fun variations, and just perfect.