Its been a while since I've climb any signicant peak. Cloest I've come was a gaunt up icicle buttress and classic crack. Both satiating in their own right, but both training and scale of the objective minimized it in my head.
Nevertheless, That was fun. I don't really want to talk too much about it. What I do want to talk about is the future. What it holds. What my objectives are. Where climbing and skiing fit in my priorities and tangible movements. I don't mind soloing big stuff. I've done enough, learned what its about, self-resume (unfortunately) and also my limits as well. With limits comes what you are willing to give up in the sheme of things. IF its everything the climbing world opens up, but usually only for a quick second. With time comes experience with experience comes wisdom. Very true for climbing.
Since lists are fun, i'll do a top 5 of real, serious objectives from now until 2016.
1. Dragontail Triple C
2. Mt Stuart Sherpa Route solo.
3. Mt Colchuck
4. Prussic in winter.
5. Ski a technical line off a peak
6. Do a link up of three peaks (bivy allowed)
7. Do Stuart Glacier Couloir
I'll leave it at that. The list may contract or expand. I'll keep you updated with videos and hopefully lots of photos.
Bye for now.